Adding Logos to Records
You can display images on records to help users easily:
- Confirm that they are working with the right record type
- Identify that they are working with the appropriate agency in super agency (multiple agency) environments
Figure: An easily identifyable building permit record type

Associating a Logo with a Custom Fields Subgroup
You must associate an image with a Custom Fields Subgroup as a means of branding the agency, enabling users to easily recognize the source of information.
To associate a logo with a Custom Fields Subgroup
- Access the Logo portlet (Accessing the Logo Portlet).
- Choose one of the following options:
To create a new agency logo association click New.
To edit an existing agency logo association select the agency from the Logo list.
- Complete or update the Logo fields as described in Logo Field Descriptions.
- Click Save.
Table 1. Logo Field Descriptions Agency Select the agency name. Agency is a required field. Description Provide a brief description of the image used as the Agency Logo. File Name Click Browse to search and select the image you want to associate with the agency. Logo Type Select the Custom Fields Subgroup Name. Logo URL Provide the image URL in this field when the image you want to use as the logo resides on the web.