Civic Platform
System Switch
This Standard Choice configures the file upload behavior for attaching documents to a record.
Value | Applicable Product | Description |
Basic {Default} | Civic Platform Citizen Access | This mode requires users to install Silverlight runtime on their computers for file uploading. If you activate this mode, the Windows Open dialog opens for users to select one or multiple files from a single folder to upload files to a record. For illustration, see Figure 1. |
Advanced | Civic Platform Citizen Access | This mode requires users to install Silverlight runtime on their computers. If you activate this mode, a Batch Upload or File Upload window opens for users to select files from one or more folders, and then upload the selected files to a record. For illustration, see Figure 2. |
Html5 | Citizen Access | In this mode, users need not install Silverlight runtime
for file uploading in Citizen Access, and the upload behavior
is the same as in the Basic mode. Note: Citizen Access applies the Html5 mode if you activate the Html5
mode, no matter whether you activate another mode (Basic/Advanced)
or not.
Note: If you enable section 508 accessibility mode
in Civic Platform and Citizen Access, the file upload
behavior is always Basic regardless of the Standard Choice configuration. When
a contract inspector or self-certified inspector uploads inspection
results in Citizen Access, the file upload behavior can only
be Advanced or Html5. The Html5 mode provides the File Upload window
which is similar to the one provided in the Advanced mode but has
minor UI differences.
Figure: Upload Files in Basic Mode

Figure: Upload Files in Advanced Mode