Starting with Civic Platform 8.0.1, master scripts (version 3.0) allow customizations
using a JavaScript-based framework instead of the legacy Standard Choice Script
Controls. With the JavaScript framework, script developers can leverage the
following features:
Use of standard JavaScript syntax
Faster development times
Decreased learning curve for new Accela developers
Cleaner, more readable code
Support for IDE tools and syntax highlighting
Improved error-handling and debugging
Errors reference appropriate lines in code
Improved script tester code
Use of try/catch for error handling
Debugging is 10x faster
EMSE Tool integration
EMSE Tool integrates with version control systems (SVN and Git)
Enables standards based configuration management of script code
Custom functions and event scripts can be contained in individual
files for better organization
Easy migration of scripts between environmentsBasic set of scripting
variables, standard functions, flow of execution
The following diagram illustrates a typical script development process using the
JavaScript framework with the master scripts: