Configuring Conditions
Condition Administration
Set the following FIDs and Standard Choices for administrators to configure condition types, condition groups, standard conditions, and related condition settings:
Configuring the Condition Audit Log
Set the following FIDs:
To enable the condition audit log, you must set the Standard Condition, the Record Condition and Reference Condition to Yes, as a prerequisite, in the Agency Profile settings.

Configuring Required Condition Severity Status
Civic Platform provides default status options, such as “Required” in the Severity drop-down list for conditions. The Severity drop-down list is available in portlets when defining conditions and when viewing the condition for a record. Each condition status provides a level of restriction.
Set the following Standard Choices:
Managing Daily Conditions
Set the following FIDs to enable users to associate conditions with different types of records:
Set the following FID to give users the option for child records to inherit conditions from their parent:
Set the following two FIDs for conditions in reference structures in Civic Platform Classic Daily:
Set the following Standard Choices for configuring the options when adding daily conditions:
Set the following Standard Choices if you allow users to view conditions in partial records or the application intake form:
Set the following Standard Choice if you only allow users to update the status date when a record satisfies a condition or condition of approval:
Set the following Standard Choice to allow users to use EMSE in Citizen Access to assign conditions to records:
ACA_CONDITION_AGENCY_USER (see the Citizen Access Administrator Guide)
Managing Conditions of Approval
Set the following Standard Choice to enable the Conditions of Approval feature:
Set the following Standard Choices and FIDs for configuring the Conditions of Approval feature: