Looks up the Value Desc for the stdChoiceValue Value in the standard choices called stdChoiceEntry.
Parameter | Type | Description |
stdChoiceEntry | string | Item name of standard choices used as lookup table. |
stdChoiceValue | string | Standard choices value. |
capval | number | Number value (e.g. valuation) to compare. |
valueIndex (optional) | integer | Determines which value to return. Defaults to 1, the first value. |
Compares capval against the series of numbers in the Value Desc. If valueIndex is null or 1, uses the value following the 1st pipe (|) on the matching number's right to calculate the base fee. If valueIndex is 2, usrs the value following the 2nd pipe (|) on the matching number's right to calculate an add on fee.
Set up the standard choices lookup table as follows:
Value column = Lookup value.
Value Desc column = one or more 3-number series, where
1st number = number to compare compareValue against
2nd number = base fee
3rd number = used to calculate add-on fee
Use a pipe(|) to separate each number. Use a caret(^) to separate each 3-number series.

06 true ^ theBase = lookupFeesByValuation("PlanCheck2007","A-1-Group2",5600)
07 true ^ theAddOn = lookupFeesByValuation("PlanCheck2007","A-1-Group2",5600,2)
08 true ^ newTotal = newTotal +(parseFloat(theBase) +parseFloat(theAddOn))