Defining the Create New Menu
The Civic Platform console provides a Create New button on the toolbar that opens a drop-down menu of options for creating records or performing other operational tasks. Administrators determine the Create New button menu options by defining how many items display, which items display, and the order in which the items display in the Create New Objects administration portlet (Figure 1).
Figure: Create New Menu Drop‑Down Menu

To define the Create New menu
Access the Setup Portlet (Navigating to the Setup).
.Civic Platform displays the Create New Objects administration portlet.
In the Display column, select the option to indicate if an object displays in the Create New drop-down menu.
Choose Yes to include the object in the drop-down menu.
Choose No to hide the object as an option in the drop-down menu.
Enter a number in the Display Order column for each object you want to display in the drop-down menu. This number indicates the object position from top to bottom. The number 1 indicates the first position in the menu.
Click Submit.