Creating, Editing, and Deleting Accela Insights Reports
You can open Accela Insights from Accela Administration by clicking Report > Accela Insights.

The Accela Insights home page appears, displaying a list of your reports.

From the Reports List, you can create a new report or view, edit, or delete an existing report.
Create a new Accela Insights report
- From the Accela Insights Reports List, click Create New Report.
The Create New Report pop up appears.
- Type the name for the new report in the Name box.Note: The report name must be unique and cannot contain more than 100 characters.
- Click Create Report.
The Report Editor opens.
You'll build the new report in the blank area on the left using the Power BI tools available on the right.
Note:- At any point, you can rearrange elements in the report by dragging and dropping them to a new location.
- While creating a report, you can click Switch to View Mode to toggle to the view that will be seen by report users.
- Click Save periodically while building a report to protect against losing work.
- Add fields to the report from the Fields list.
Note:The Field list contains the data elements available in the specified data set. You can use the search bar to filter this list—enter any part of the field name you're trying to locate. Add a field to the report by checking it in the list or by dragging and dropping it to the desired location in the report area.
An up-to-date data dictionary of fields available for Accela Insights reports is available on the Accela Community.
- Apply the desired visualization to a report field by selecting the field in the report
and then clicking the desired visualization icon and configuring it.
Note:Hover over a visualization icon for a description of what it does. For more detailed descriptions of available visualization types, see
- If desired, change formatting for a report element by selecting it in the report and
then clicking the formatting icon.
Note:Before saving a report, be aware of two things:
- The Filters section located between the report editing area and the editing tools can be expanded or collapsed. Its status is saved with your report. That is, if it is expanded when you save the report, it will be expanded when users open the report. If it is collapsed when you save the report, it will be collapsed when users open the report.
- If the report contains more than one page, the page that is open when you save it will be the open page when end users run the report.
- When the report is complete, click Save.
Create a new Accela Insights report based on an existing report
The Save As function lets you create a new version of an existing report under a different name. Use this functionality to base a new report on an existing report without modifying the original.
- From the Accela Insights Reports List, locate the report you want to use as a basis for the new one and click the pencil icon to open it in edit mode.
- Click Save As and give the report the name you'd like to use for the new one.
- Make the desired changes and additions to the report.
- Click Save to save your edits to the new report.
Edit an existing report
- From the Accela Insights Reports List, locate the report you want to edit and click the
pencil icon under Actions.Note: You can also edit a report that you currently have open by clicking Switch to Edit Mode.
- Make the desired changes.
- Click Save.
Delete an existing report
- From the Accela Insights Reports List, locate the report you want to delete and click
the trashcan icon under Actions.
The Delete Report confirmation pop up appears to prevent accidental deletion of important reports.
- Type the name of the report to be deleted in the Name box.Note: The Name box is case sensitive and requires an exact match of the report name. After a report has been deleted it cannot be recovered.
- Click Delete Report.